Publications on scenario techniques

Publication Type
2024 Methode zur Ableitung von Personalbedarfsprognosen für Produktionsprozesse angesichts technischer Produktinnovationen
Borrmann, Daniel
Conference Paper
2024 Foresight: Fifty Years to Think Your Futures
Cuhls, Kerstin; Dönitz, Ewa; Erdmann, Lorenz; Gransche, Bruno; Kimpeler, Simone; Schirrmeister, Elna; Warnke, Philine
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2024 Paving the way: Analysing energy transition pathways and green hydrogen exports in developing countries - The case of Algeria
Müller, Viktor Paul; Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Vuuren, Detlef van
Journal Article
2024 Coherence of novel policies for lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles: a multidimensional analysis of material flows and environmental impacts
Barkhausen, Robin
Conference Paper
2024 Assessment and analysis of the Power-to-X market and investment opportunities in Algeria
Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Müller, Viktor Paul; Hadrich, Max Julius; Riemer, Matia; Boie, Inga
2024 From scenarios to action - developing science based financing guidelines
Aydemir, Ali; Rohde, Clemens; Wilhelm, Maike; Fritz, Markus; Engstfeld, Stefanie; Lutz, Sandra
Conference Paper
2024 Évaluation et analyse du marché Power-to-X et des opportunités d'investissement en Algérie
Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Müller, Viktor Paul; Hadrich, Max Julius; Riemer, Matia; Boie, Inga
2024 Exploration of qualitative scenarios towards climate neutrality of the German building sector
Bagheri, Mahsa; Dönitz, Ewa; Yu, Songmin; Brugger, Heike
Conference Paper
2024 How technological and new societal trends may influence the European sustainable energy transition: analysis of policies, methodologies and impacts
Mikova, Nadezhda
Doctoral Thesis
2024 Spatial analysis of renewable and excess heat potentials for climate-neutral district heating in Europe
Manz, Pia; Billerbeck, Anna; Kök, Ali; Fallahnejad, Mostafa; Fleiter, Tobias; Kranzl, Lukas; Braungardt, Sibylle; Eichhammer, Wolfgang
Journal Article
2023 Digitale Gesundheitsversorgung 2033: Trends, Szenarien und Thesen
Volpert, Annika; Hery, Daniela; Kraushaar, Judith; Elfert, Kilian; Schewina, Kai; Ahrens, Theresa; Moller, Björn; Dönitz, Ewa
2023 A stepwise approach for Scenario-based Inventory Modelling for Prospective LCA (SIMPL)
Langkau, Sabine; Steubing, Bernhard; Mutel, Christopher; Ajie, Maulana Permana; Erdmann, Lorenz; Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane; Janssen, Matty
Journal Article
2023 Gestaltung des MKS-Referenzszenarios für die Periode 2022 bis 2050 (REF-2050)
Schade, Wolfgang; Anstett, Philipp; Berthold, Daniel; Emmerich, Cornelia; Emmerich, Julian; Haug, Ines; Khanna, Arpita; Krail, Michael; Oehme, Rafael; Streif, Marcel; Walther, Christoph; Waßmuth, Volker
2023 Szenarioprozesse für die Wissenschaftskommunikation am Beispiel von Quantentechnologien
Gutknecht, Ralph; Schirrmeister, Elna; Kimpeler, Simone
Conference Paper
2023 Local food systems. Recipes for future proof business models
Moller, Björn; Giacomella, Lorenzo; Kirstgen, Anna; Pasch, Kerstin; Aganovic, Kemal; Dönitz, Ewa; Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane
2023 Scenarios of a desirable and fair energy transition
Dönitz, Ewa; Breitschopf, Barbara; Burghard, Uta
2023 Ecosystem Scenarios as Environmental Futures - Implications for Participatory Framework Designs Integrating Social Capital Formation and Natural Capital Preservation
Weh, Ludwig; Weil, Charlotte; Haan, Gerhard de; Leinfelder, Reinhold
Journal Article
2023 A more User-Friendly Digital Wallet?
Krauß, Anna-Magdalena; Kostic, Sandra; Sellung, Rachelle
Conference Paper
2023 #futuredistricts2053
Braun, Steffen; Dienes, Katharina; Leyh, Jens; Rieck, Alexander; Letzgus, Mike
2023 Foresight on Demand (FoD) Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on European Consumer Behaviour - Foresight Study
Kimpeler, Simone; Cuhls, Kerstin; Freudenberg, Charlotte; Guiffrè, Giovanna; Galvini, Giorgia; Ricci, Andrea; Marmora, Loredana; Giesecke, Susanne; Wasserbacher, Dana; Heinonen, Sirkka; Knudsen, Mikkel; Könnölä, Totti
2023 Towards a Vision and Essential Steps in the Digital Transformation of Product Service Systems
Frings, Sandra; Kett, Holger Joachim
Conference Paper
2022 No-Regret Strategien zur Dekarbonisierung der Niedertemperaturwärme und warum Gas darin keine Rolle spielt
Kranzl, Lukas; Forthuber, Sebastian; Fallahnejad, Mostafa; Müller, Andreas; Hummel, Marcus; Deac, Gerda; Bernath, Christiane; Kiefer, Christoph; García, Joshua; Sensfuß, Frank; Braungardt, Sibylle; Bürger, Veit
Conference Paper
2022 The interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities
Wallwaey, Elisa; Cuhls, Kerstin; Havas, Attila
2022 Schlussbericht QuantA, Teilvorhaben FhG Zukunftsdialoge und Talent School. Teil I: Kurzbericht.Teil II: Eingehende Darstellung
Kimpeler, Simone
2022 Future hydrogen demand: A cross-sectoral, global meta-analysis
Riemer, Matia; Zheng, Lin; Eckstein, Johannes; Wietschel, Martin; Pieton, Natalia; Kunze, Robert
2022 Online tool for matching company demands with IT-security offerings
Fähnrich, Nicolas; Roßnagel, Heiko
Conference Paper
2022 Setting life cycle assessment (LCA) in a future-oriented context: the combination of qualitative scenarios and LCA in the agri-food sector
Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane; Zicari, Alberto; Smetana, Sergiy; Moller, Björn; Dönitz, Ewa; Vranken, Liesbet; Zdravkovic, Milena; Aganovic, Kemal; Bahrs, Enno
Journal Article
2022 Transitions for ship propulsion to 2050: The AHOY combined qualitative and quantitative scenarios
Köhler, Jonathan; Dönitz, Ewa; Schätter, Frank
Journal Article
2021 Criteria for the evaluation of climate protection scenarios
Duwe, Matthias; Evans, Nick; Voß, Philipp; Wachsmuth, Jakob; Duscha, Vicki
2021 Klimaschutz- und Energieeffizienzpotenziale in der Abwasserwirtschaft - aktueller Stand und Perspektiven
Niederste-Hollenberg, Jutta; Winkler, Jenny; Fritz, Markus; Zheng, Lin; Hillenbrand, Thomas; Kolisch, Gerd; Schirmer, Gitta; Borger, Julia; Doderer, Hannes; Dörrfuß, Ilka
2021 Bestandsaufnahme der Szenariomethodik - Ansätze einer kritischen Analyse
Weimert, Birgit; Römer, Silke
Journal Article
2021 Support to the development of ambitious climate change scenarios in Europe. Final report
Duwe, Matthias; Evans, Nick; Duscha, Vicki; Wachsmuth, Jakob
2021 The link between product service lifetime and GHG emissions: A comparative study for different consumer products
Glöser-Chahoud, Simon; Pfaff, Matthias; Schultmann, Frank
Journal Article
2021 Energy Efficiency Vision 2050: How will new societal trends influence future energy demand in the European countries?
Brugger, Heike; Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Mikova, Nadezhda; Dönitz, Ewa
Journal Article
2021 Policy lensing of future-oriented strategic intelligence: An experiment connecting foresight with decision making contexts
Robinson, Douglas K.R.; Schoen, Antoine; Larédo, Philippe; Gallart, Jordi M.; Warnke, Philine; Kuhlmann, Stefan; Ordónez-Matamoros, Gonzalo
Journal Article
2021 Futures Assessed alongside socio-Technical Evolutions (FATE)
2021 Allocation scenarios: Homecharging, public charging and an outlook for truck charging
Gauglitz, Philip; Speth, Daniel
2021 Potentials for district heating generation in a climate-neutral energy system
Manz, Pia; Fallahnejad, Mostafa; Billerbeck, Anna
Conference Paper
2021 Understanding the controversial impact of new societal trends on long-term energy demand in European countries
Mikova, Nadezhda; Brugger, Heike; Rosa, Aaron; Eichhammer, Wolfgang
Conference Paper
2021 Methoden der prospektiven Technologiebetrachtung / Technikvorausschau
Cuhls, Kerstin
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Transition to the bioeconomy - Analysis and scenarios for selected niches
Wydra, Sven; Hüsing, Bärbel; Köhler, Jonathan; Schwarz, Alexander; Schirrmeister, Elna; Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane
Journal Article
2021 What can we do? Participatory foresight for the bioeconomy transition
Kimpeler, Simone; Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane; Hüsing, Bärbel; Schirrmeister, Elna
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Multiple futures for society, research, and innovation in the European Union: jumping to 2038
Daimer, Stephanie; Havas, Attila; Cuhls, Kerstin; Yorulmaz, Merve; Vrgovic, Petar
Journal Article
2021 Measures to increase local food supply in the context of european framework scenarios for the agri-food sector
Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane; Derler, Hartmut; Moller, Björn; Dönitz, Ewa; Bahrs, Enno; Berner, Simon
Journal Article
2021 Environmental impacts of the future supply of rare earths for magnet applications
Langkau, Sabine; Erdmann, Martin
Journal Article
2021 Interaction of energy storage technologies and synthetic fuels in long-term decarbonization scenarios
Böttger, Diana; Kost, Christoph; Wrede, Daniel; Lux, Benjamin; Fleiter, Tobias; Pfluger, Benjamin; Heilig, Judith; Gerhardt, Norman; Haendel, Michael
Conference Paper
2020 Die Zukunft des Internet of Things im verarbeitenden Gewerbe
Heimberger, Heidi; Dönitz, Ewa; Nimis, Jens
Journal Article
2020 Methodological challenges for combining qualitative future scenarios and LCA in the food and agricultural sector
Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane; Moller, Björn; Dönitz, Ewa
2020 Deep decarbonisation of the German industry via electricity or gas? A scenario-based comparison of pathways
Fleiter, Tobias; Rehfeldt, Matthias; Neuwirth, Marius; Herbst, Andrea
Conference Paper
2020 Time and Futures. Zeit und Zukünfte in der Vorausschau - Konzepte in den Zukunftswissenschaften
Cuhls, Kerstin
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Zero carbon propulsion in shipping - scenarios for the development of hydrogen and wind technologies with the MATISSE-SHIP model
Köhler, Jonathan
Journal Article
2020 Scenario development using web mining for outlining technology futures
Kayser, Victoria; Shala, Erduana
Journal Article
2020 From global to national scenarios. Bridging different models to explore power generation decarbonisation based on insights from socio-technical transition case studies
Hof, Andries F.; Carrara, Samuel; Cian, Enrica de; Pfluger, Benjamin; Sluisveld, Mariësse A.E. van; Boer, Harmen S. de; Vuuren, Detlef P. van
Journal Article
2020 Psychological biases and heuristics in the context of foresight and scenario processes
Schirrmeister, Elna; Göring, Anne-Louise; Warnke, Philine
Journal Article
2020 Socio-technical scenarios as a methodological tool to explore social and political feasibility in low-carbon transitions: Bridging computer models and the multi-level perspective in UK electricity generation (2010-2050)
Geels, Frank W.; McMeekin, Andrew; Pfluger, Benjamin
Journal Article
2020 Actors, decision-making, and institutions in quantitative system modelling
Cian, Enrica de; Dasgupta, Shouro; Hof, Andries F.; Sluisveld, Mariësse A.E. van; Köhler, Jonathan; Pfluger, Benjamin; Vuuren, Detlef P. van
Journal Article
2020 Development of scenarios for a multi-model system analysis based on the example of a cellular energy system
Kühnbach, Matthias; Guthoff, Felix; Bekk, Anke; Eltrop, Ludger
Journal Article
2019 Low-Carbon Europe 2050
Matthes, Felix C.; Greiner, Benjamin; Duscha, Vicki; Wachsmuth, Jakob
2019 How can Germany reach its 2030 sectoral emissions targets? Energy efficiency, renewable energy or reduction of energy consumption? An impact assessment of different pathways
Repenning, Julia; Schumacher, Katja; Fleiter, Tobias; Sievers, Luisa; Pfaff, Matthias; Thamling, Nils; Rau, Dominik; Lösch, Oliver; Worz, Axel; Hartwig, Johannes
Conference Paper
2019 Szenario-Report: KI-basierte Arbeitswelten 2030
Burmeister, Klaus; Fink, Alexander; Mayer, Christina; Schiel, Andreas; Schulz-Montag, Beate
2019 Cost-efficiency of the EU emissions trading system: An evaluation of the second trading period
Cludius, Johanna; Duscha, Vicki; Friedrichsen, Nele; Schumacher, Katja
Journal Article
2019 Coping with uncertainties of sustainability transitions using exploratory modelling: The case of the MATISSE model and the UK's mobility sector
Moallemi, Enayat A.; Köhler, Jonathan
Journal Article
2019 Wider economic and social implications of sustainable economy approaches: Some insights from a scenario exercise
Walz, Rainer; Oldenburg, Clara; Pfaff, Matthias; Schuler, Johannes; Gotsch, Matthias; Marscheider-Weidemann, Frank; Hiete, Michael
Journal Article
2019 A systems thinking approach to corporate strategy development
Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A.; Almeida, André; Seus, Fanny
Journal Article
2019 Achievability of the Paris targets in the EU - the role of demand-side-driven mitigation in different types of scenarios
Wachsmuth, Jakob; Duscha, Vicki
Journal Article
2019 Low-carbon energy scenarios 2050 in north-west European countries: Towards a more harmonised approach to achieve the EU targets
Mikova, Nadezhda; Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Pfluger, Benjamin
Journal Article
2019 Are open access models able to assess today's energy scenarios?
Oberle, Stella; Elsland, Rainer
Journal Article
2017 Analysis of selected climate protection scenarios for European countries
Duscha, Vicki; Wachsmuth, Jakob; Donat, Lena
2017 Benchmarking the EU reference scenario 2016: An alternative bottom-up analysis of long-term energy consumption in Europe
Herbst, Andrea; Elsland, Rainer; Reiter, Ulrich; Fleiter, Tobias; Rehfeldt, Matthias
Conference Paper
2017 The world of raw materials 2050
2017 Analysing the contribution of internal heat gains when evaluating the thermal performance of buildings
Elsland, Rainer
Conference Paper
2017 Extending the knowledge base of foresight: The contribution of text mining
Kayser, Victoria; Blind, Knut
Journal Article
2017 Transformative policy mixes in socio-technical scenarios: The case of the low-carbon transition of the German electricity system (2010-2050)
Rogge, Karoline; Pfluger, Benjamin; Geels, Frank
2016 A transition pathway for Germany's industry: Which role for energy efficiency?
Fleiter, Tobias; Rehfeldt, Matthias; Pfluger, Benjamin
Conference Paper
2016 Generating futures from text - scenario development using text mining
Kayser, Victoria; Shala, Erduana
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Small-scale modelling of urban structure types for the cost evaluation in sanitary environmental engineering
Schulwitz, Martin; Hillenbrand, Thomas
Conference Paper
2016 Constructing transformative scenarios for research and innovation futures
Erdmann, Lorenz; Schirrmeister, Elna
Journal Article
2016 Opportunities and challenges of high renewable energy deployment and electricity exchange for North Africa and Europe - scenarios for power sector and transmission infrastructure in 2030 and 2050
Boie, Inga; Kost, Christoph; Bohn, Sven; Agsten, Michael; Bretschneider, Peter; Snigovyi, Oleksandr; Pudlik, Martin; Ragwitz, Mario; Schlegl, Thomas; Westermann, Dirk
Journal Article
2016 Szenariobasierte Bewertung der Zukunftsrelevanz von Nachhaltigkeitstechnologien
Berner, Simon; Dönitz, Ewa; Westhofen, Aline; Moller, Björn
Journal Article
2016 A critical analysis of energy efficiency improvement potentials in Taiwan's cement industry
Huang, Yun-Hsun; Chang, Yi-Lin; Fleiter, Tobias
Journal Article
2015 Ein neues Framework für Serious-Gaming-Methoden in der Zukunftsforschung
Weimert, Birgit; Häger, Stephan
Journal Article
2015 The macroeconomic benefits of ambitious energy efficiency policy - a case study for Germany (1-384-15) (1-384-15)
Braungardt, Sibylle; Kockat, Judit; Hartwig, Johannes; Schade, Wolfgang
Conference Paper
2015 What drives the impact of future support policies for energy efficiency in buildings?
Kranzl, Lukas; Müller, Andreas; Toleikyte, Agne; Kockat, Judit; Steinbach, Jan
Conference Paper
2015 Transport demand evolution in Europe - factors of change, scenarios and challenges
Bernardino, Joao P.R.; Aggelakakis, Aggelos; Reichenbach, Max; Vieira, J.; Boile, Maria; Schippl, Jens; Christidis, Panayotis; Papanikolaou, Anestis; Condeco, Ana; Garcia, H.; Krail, Michael
Journal Article
2015 Sozialwissenschaftliche Begleitforschung Modellregionen II (Themenfeld Nutzerperspektive)
Dütschke, Elisabeth; Schneider, Uta; Globisch, Joachim
2015 Emerging technologies in civil security - a scenario-based analysis
Bierwisch, Antje; Kayser, Victoria; Shala, Erduana
Journal Article
2015 Assessing the optimal use of electric heating systems for integrating renewable energy sources
Boßmann, Tobias; Elsland, Rainer; Klingler, Anna-Lena; Catenazzi, Giacomo; Jakob, Martin
Journal Article
2014 Future threat scenarios for identifying societal security needs - the methodological approach based on European Project Ettis
Dönitz, Ewa; Shala, Erduana; Leimbach, Timo
Conference Paper
2014 Generating Futures from Text. Scenario Development using Text Mining
Kayser, Victoria; Shala, Erduana
2014 Scenarios for renewable energy deployment in North African countries and electricity exchange with Europe - a model-based analysis for 2050
Boie, Inga; Pudlik, Martin; Ragwitz, Mario; Sensfuss, F.; Bohn, Sven; Agsten, Michael; Bretschneider, Peter; Westermann, Dirk
Journal Article
2014 Are internal heat gains underestimated in thermal performance evaluation of buildings?
Elsland, Rainer; Peksen, Ilhan; Wietschel, Martin
Journal Article
2014 Comparative analysis of methods for strategic security research planning
Burbiel, Joachim; Schietke, Ruth
Conference Paper
2014 Die Rolle der technologischen Kurzsichtigkeit bei langfristigen Energieszenarien
Elsland, Rainer; Harter, Christian; Wietschel, Martin
Journal Article
2014 Health care for people with dementia in 2030 - results of a multidisciplinary scenario process
Vollmar, H.C.; Goluchowicz, K.; Beckert, B.; Dönitz, E.; Bartholomeyczik, S.; Ostermann, T.; Boustani, M.; Buscher, I.
Journal Article
2014 Ethical dilemma scenarios and emerging technologies
Wright, David; Finn, Rachel L.; Gellert, Raphael; Gutwirth, Serge; Schütz, Philip; Friedewald, Michael; Venier, Silvia; Mordini, Emilio
Journal Article
2013 Regionalisierung globaler sozioökonomischer Wandelprozesse für die Wasserwirtschaft - Die Elbe als mittleres Einzugsgebiet in einer Transformationsökonomie
Hartje, Volkmar; Ansmann, Till; Blazejczak, Jürgen; Gömann, Horst; Gornig, Martin; Grossmann, Malte; Hillenbrand, Thomas; Hoymann, Jana; Kreins, Peter; Markewitz, Peter; Mutafoglu, Konar; Richmann, Agnes; Sartorius, Christian; Schulz, Erika; Vögele, Stefan; Walz, Rainer
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2013 Foresight and scenarios at Fraunhofer ISI
Dönitz, Ewa; Schirrmeister, Elna
Journal Article
2013 Envisioning structural transformation - Lessons from a foresight project on the future of innovation
Schirrmeister, E.; Warnke, P.
Journal Article
2012 Improved emergency management by a loosely coupled logistic system
Thorleuchter, Dirk; Schulze, Joachim; Poel, Dirk van den
Conference Paper
2012 Szenarios zur Elektromobilität 2025
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This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica